My Top 5: Maverick
Some of the best shit in music drops in your lap through email or word of mouth such as one day last year I recieved an email from Oddisee ( Mello Music Group ) and it was a link to a beat tape EP called "First Step" by and up and coming producer named Maverick . After listening I automatically became a fan and began to follow Maverick 's musical endevors. Since that time Maverick has worked on various projects such as Redistricting (Diamond District's In the Ruff Remixes) , Ghostface Beat Tape and the Smooth Grooves Beat Tape . So with that said, Maverick lets you in on his favorite 5 an more. Your Favorite 5 Producers: It's funny because I think that this question gets asked to every single hip-hop producer in every single interview...and every single person has a different answer. I will go ahead and throw it out there that I am assuming you are talking about hip-hop producers...because dudes want to act like they are music historians when you