Freddie gained worldwide popularity after working with Brooklyn emcee, Joey Badass , and their single, “Waves” . A couple years later, renowned rapper, J.Cole , would pick up the same instrumental, for his release called “False Prophets” . Over the past 15 years, Freddie has released many albums and singles, the majority with the San Francisco based label, Mellow Orange . His signature jazzy and soulful sound can be heard across all of his releases. And as Freddie grows and matures, so does his music. This is particularly evident in his latest release, “Beyond The Sea of Trees” , with Germany based, Jakarta Records . The album is another instrumental endeavor by Freddie, featuring such artists as, FloFilz , Elijah Fox , and Natalie Oliveri . Stream / Purchase below!!! Tracklist 01. Rising 03:49 buy track 02. Serenade 03:49 03. Winding Road feat. Elijah Fox 04:15 04. River 02:33 05. Backyards feat. Natalie Oliveri 03:30 06. Yesterday 03:17 07. Runaway 03:20 08. Inhe