Editorial: Keno Beats - How to be a beatmaker in 2013 ?

My people ... music has the power of freedom, the power of truth ... I understood that when the Internet gave me the opportunity to work with talented emcees all over the world .. Enough said : beatmakers cant be hidden behind the boards anymore ... Any of us has to be a leader, an influencer, because a lot of tools are available to make our voice heard and people want that.

This post engages nothing but my personal point of view, and this is a quick sum up of how you can be a beatmaker in 2013 :

1) Chose carefully the artists you work with : i see a lot of facebook grinders droppin beats on platform where anyone can buy them. I dont blame that, but you have to figure it out : anybody can purchase your material, even people who can make you lose your credibity and your reputation. The HipHop international movement is full of talents : holla at them and build strong relationships.

2) Involve yourself in the promotion of the tracks you produce : is it me or my comrades are often lazy ? Bloggers keep blaming rappers to spam them, but you can be sure they have never been spamed by any under/ground beatmakers ! Come on gentlemen, you did this beat ? Then it is your track too, and the world want to hear it !

3) Use the social medias to let the people know who you are : facebook, twitter, intagram, pinterest, blogs ... there are so many ways to let the people look inside your artistic life ! Beatmaking is an intensive and creative activity, and be sure people will be very happy to learn a little about your inspiration, the place you live, the people you listen to ... Make it alive !

4) Be an influencer : since a beatmaker can have real fans in 2013, you cant act like you are away from the rest of the world anymore ... You are an artist, people follow you, listen to your music, read your blog posts, you have no choice but to take positions and express it : support other artists, write about what make you angry, talk about things that need to be known and show how your support those who struggle for that.

I will definitely try to do that for my own career, because i am a beatmaker and i am alive. Did you enjoy my article? Then why not like me on Facebook to stay in touch!

Keno Beats: Facebook

***Thanks to Keno Beats for sending***


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