The Jazz Jousters & Cal Tjader - Calculation

Millennium Jazz is proud to send another Jazz Jousters compilation, which is by our ‘Calculation’ the twenty sixth official session in the series. This compilation is another 100% instrumental compilation based on some of Cal Tjader’s enormous archive. This album features the works of RickMal, Bones The Beat Head, Jazz Kat, Pawcut, Gadget, FloFliz , SmokedBeat, Stay Classy, Mr. Moods, Slim The Chemist, Oldy Clap Recordz and newcomer Scaley WaleZ. Grab it at the link below!!!


01. FloFilz - Nomind 02:06
02. Slim The Chemist - Power of Music 03:20
03. Stay Classy - Puttin' It Together 03:20
04. SmokedBeat - Cal M 02:48
05. Oldy Clap Recordz - Call Me 02:36
06. Jazz Kat - Autumn Sky 02:42
07. Gadget - Garden of Tjader 03:15
08. Bones The Beat Head - Deep Thoughts 02:57
09. Pawcut - Reference 02:06
10. RickMal - Djaded 03:25
11. Oldy Clap Recordz - Next Time 02:52
12. Mr. Moods - Vibrate At Rhythms 03:26
13. Scaley WaleZ - La Brisa De La Isla 03:05



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